We have compiled some commonly ask questions on how it works, delivery and shipment, and product information. If your question is not listed below please reach out to the team via the contact page

How it works

Putting together a delicious spread for you and your friends doesn’t have to be complicated. Get a Que Pasa Papi Tapas Box delivered to your door today.

  • 100% Spanish products: Our Tapas Boxes includes a range of carefully selected 100% Spanish products from quality producers across Spain.
  • Order online: Order your tapas in our webshop and enter the preferred delivery address upon checkout. We pack your order and deliver it straight to your desired address. Please check the header bar on the website to see when the next delivery day will be.
  • Fast delivery: Your Tapas box will be delivered directly to your door. The delivery will take 1-2 days depending on your location.
  • Ready in minutes: Easy to unpack and quick to plate up, saving you time to enjoy with family and friends!

Order your Que Pasa Papi Tapas now so you too can ‘Jamón a nice day’!


Where do you deliver?

Great news! We deliver to all of Denmark for 50 kr. (Excluded non-bridged islands) Soon we will offer delivery to non-bridged islands in Denmark. This will incur an additional delivery fee of 135 kr.
If you have a large or special order please reach out to the team at hola@quepasapapi.com to arrange suitable delivery.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping to all of Denmark is 50 kr.
For non-bridged islands there is an additional delivery fee of 135 kr.

Do you have a purchase deadline?

We sure do. We deliver every Wednesday. Just in time to cater for those end of week Spanish tapas box cravings. You must place your order by 23.59 CET Sunday each week to receive your order the following week. If you have a large or special order please reach out to the team at hola@quepasapapi.com and our team can arrange delivery of your tapas for any day during the week.

Delivery days?

We deliver every Wednesday.
Your Que Pasa Papi Tapas Box will arrive at your door within 24 – 48 hours depending on your location.
We are working on increasing the number of delivery days throughout the week, so you can enjoy ordering your tapas with greater delivery options!
If you have a large or special order please reach out to the team at hola@quepasapapi.com and our team can arrange delivery of your Tapas Box for any day during the week.

Tell me about the shipping process?

We’ve partnered with a third party shipping company to get your tapas products to you quickly. All of the products are stored and delivered at the required temperatures to ensure you receive the best tasting products.
We deliver all of our orders on Wednesdays.
You will receive an email or text with a track and trace identification number to let you know your box is enroute.
The driver will leave the box at your front door or follow the delivery requirements left in the comments upon the cart checkout.

How does it stay fresh?

The sliced meat is vacuumed sealed packed to maintain the freshness and will be delivered in an isolation bag along with a frozen gel pack. This ensures the product is kept at the required temperature throughout the delivery journey.

My package says 'delivered' but I haven’t received it, can you help?

Don’t worry, if your box has not arrived at your door please send an email to hola@quepasapapi.com
Our team will track it down. Please include your order number and contact details.
Please ensure that you provide a shipping address that is attended during the day if your mail area is not secure.

How do I place a bulk order?

Want to share the love and order more tapas for your friends, your employees, or cater for a celebration at home?
Send an email to our team hola@quepasapapi.com We will assist you with placing your bulk order to avoid placing multiple orders and credit card transactions fees.

Do you offer different tapas boxes or single products?

We sure do. We have several boxes and you can also build your own box from picking out your favourites in our webshop.
We are continuously working on expanding with new products so sign up to our newsletter to be notified as our selection grows.
If you are interested in placing a large order, please reach out to the team at hola@quepasapapi.com and we will find a suitable solution for you.


Tell me more about the meats!

Our meats are made using traditional Spanish methods

  • Jamón Ibérico: 30+ month aged
  • Salchichón Ibérico: cured for 90 days
  • Chorizo Ibérico: cured for 90 days
  • Lomo Gran Reserve: cured for 60 days
  • Fuet Black Pepper: cured for 60 days
  • Chorizo: cured for 60 days

What does each product taste like?

Enjoy the taste of freshly sliced Jamón; the type that melts in your mouth and crunchy large potato chips that leave you wanting more. Our Classic Tapas Box is designed to not only satisfy your Spanish food cravings but to give you an experience similar to what you would find in Spain. Jamón de cebo Ibérico: Is a certified Spanish Iberian ham aged for 30+ months. It has a smooth texture with a sweet and nutty flavour. The nutty flavour is unique to the Ibérico ‘black hoofed’ or ‘pata negra’ pig. These pigs graze on acorns and oak, and these flavours enhance the meat. This is particular for black hoofed pigs only.

Salchichón Ibérico: Spanish Iberian sausage cured for 90 days. It has a delicate texture and combination of sweet, nutty and smooth flavour.

Chorizo Ibérico: Spanish Iberian pork cured for 90 days. It has a smooth texture and a slightly spicy flavour. This product comes sliced and ready to enjoy.

Lomo Gran Reserve: Spanish Serrano loin pork that is cured for 60 days. It is made from white or pink pigs, which means the flavour is not nutty and instead sweet with a juicy flavour.

Fuet Black Pepper: Our Fuets are made with Spanish pork and covered with black pepper. They are cured for 60 days and are a typical Spanish snack. They are a little bit chewy, sweet on the inside and utterly delicious. It’s the type of snack that you just want to keep on eating!

Chorizo: Our Chorizo is made from Spanish pork and cured for 60 days. It is a little sweet, and holds true to a more firey Chorizo flavour.

Classic Spanish Potato Chips: Words can not explain how seriously satisfying these potato chips are. Made from large locally sourced potatoes in southern Spain, hand cooked in sunflower oil and lightly salted; these are large crunchy potato chips leave you wanting more.

Picos de Pan: Mini breadsticks made using Extra Virgin Olive Oil, they are typically paired with Jamón and work well with all of our sliced meats. It acts as a neutraliser between the different meat flavours.

What is a fuet?

Other than a Spanish favourite, fuets are typically sliced and served as is. They are made from Spanish pork, wrapped in a natural casing and cured for 30-90 days. Our fuet is covered in Black Pepper and (warning) is seriously satisfying.

How do I plate it up so it looks good and super tasty?

It’s always so nice to serve something that looks amazing, it gets the taste buds going. Our first focus is the quality of the produce, followed by the presentation. Luckily the our Spanish products do the talking, as they are not only simply delicious they also look really good! So it’s fairly easy to present it nicely.
We have included a few tips on how to plate up a crowd pleasing charcuterie board or tapas style feast.

  • Take all of the chilled products of the fridge and sit for 15-20 minutes to get to room temperature. The meats are much more enjoyable when they are let to rest for a little.
  • First we slice the fuet and chorizo and place in small bowls and place them in the middle of the serving plate.
  • Then we recommend to place the sliced meats in the four corners around the plate.
  • Typically we place the picos de pan in the gaps around the meat.
  • Sometimes we like to add some cheese, crudites, fruits or crackers that we have already at home, these can be easily placed in the small gaps on the plate to fill it out.
  • Serve the potato chips in a bowl and place next to the board on the table.
  • Enjoy!

What work is involved?

Everything is retail ready meaning it is ready to be served and enjoyed.

  • You will need to slice the fuet and chorizo
  • Remove the chilled products out of the fridge 15-20 minutes before serving so they reach room temperature
  • Gently open the sliced meats from their packaging
  • Present everything on a charcuterie style board or as a tapas feast.
  • Enjoy it!

When will you sell Jamón 100% Ibérico Bellota or Manchego?

We are hoping to add these life changing products to our product line very soon! We can tell you the taste testing process has been very enjoyable.
Stay in the loop and join our newsletter for more updates.

Can I place a large order or a B2B order?

If you would like to place a large quantity or a B2B order for any of our products please get in touch with our team at hola@quepasapapi.com and we’ll find a suitable solution for you.

Gift Cards

Where can I buy a Que Pasa Papi gift card?

You can buy your Que Pasa Papi gift card online under our Gift Card page. Link here.

Where can I use my Que Pasa Papi gift card?

You can use your gift card online for all of our products.

How long is my Que Pasa Papi Gift Card valid?

Your Que Pasa Papi gift card is valid for one year from the date of issue.

Who should I contact if I have questions, experience problems or lose my Que Pasa Papi Gift Card?

You must contact our team by e-mail via hola@quepasapapi.com

Can I exchange my Que Pasa Papi Gift Card for cash?

You are always welcome to redeem your Que Pasa Papi Gift Card for cash for an administration fee of DKK 25. You can therefore not redeem a Que Pasa Papi Gift Card for cash, which has a balance of less than DKK 25.

Can I exchange my Que Pasa Papi Gift Card for a new gift card?

You can not exchange your Que Pasa Papi Gift Card for a new gift card, nor can you collect more gift cards for a new one.

Is there a maximum amount when you buy a Que Pasa Papi Gift Card?

A Que Pasa Papi gift card can be issued for a maximum of DKK 1,000

Do you have more questions?

Contact us here